Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Living Solo

Discoveries I've made since living alone:
  • I actually can kill spiders, given a heavy enough shoe that can be attached to the end of my swiffer. 
  • I'm messy. That will shock no one I suppose, but I always thought I was just messy when I only had small spaces to work with (like my bedroom or my desk). Turns out the messyness just expands to fill the space. 
  • I might not like the color green as much as I thought I did. I have a LOT of green stuff. 
  • It becomes really easy to leave doors open when no one else is around...bedroom doors, bathroom doors...there's no one to separate from!
  • I love yogurt and cheerios, together. That's been my dinner for the past four days. Still trying to get around to unpacking my kitchen.
  • I need to take more pictures (I have so few to put up in my apartment) but I now have a lot less to take pictures of - I'm not going to take pictures of myself sitting on the couch, reading on my bed, standing in the kitchen....the solo apartment doesn't lend itself to exciting photographic remembrances. 
  • I cannot tolerate sleeping in the heat. If I were on a jury and a murderer testified that he lost his temper because his bedroom was hot and that's why he killed the woman who cut him off on his way to work....I'd let him off.

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